Problem Statement
How might we improve efficacy of our checkout flow, thus increasing conversion rate and making users more satisfied with our services?

Add to Cart to Payment funnel stands at 10.19% right now.
Major Drop offs are seen at below steps:

Add Address or change address (only 10% users fill address before clicking pay now)
This is because
- Add address button is not prominent to users.
- Address form is too long for users to fill. Also, many users miss adding address and then try to add address after clicking pay now since we throw error if address is not added before clicking pay now.
- Above funnel states that people don’t see add address button before clicking pay now button.
Payment Section
- Payment options currently have many redundant payment solutions like simpl and Razorpay
- We have also given multiple online payment options to users which provides them choice overdose of choosing which partner to choose for payment. This results in less people choosing prepaid option.